redhaired ginger female person lying on a bed with pink pillows eyes closed from pleasure next to the purple vibrator

July Featured Sex Toys

 July Featured Sex Toy(s) July is a month full of fun activities ranging from Handjobs to total BDSM! With all the fun activities this month we have quite a few toys/products in mind to make these days even better. Our first product is going to be the Liquid V For Men Stimulating Gel. This stimulating…

Sexy woman in red bdsm suit holds leather whip

July: Lips, Hands & Whips

July: Hands, Lips & Whips July is a day full events for your lips, hands and your special toys 🙂 Starting us off is July 6th which has been dedicated as International Kissing Day! This is a day not to just peck your lover on the cheek or give them a soft kiss but to…